Friday, September 23, 2011

Cj my daughter :)

I am very thankful that I have my children. They are my joy, my fulfillment and the reason I wake up every morning striving to be a good person. They make me stay grounded and real. They are my pride., my being.

Cj, my daughter, is growing up to be a lovely girl.  But her loveliness is just not physical, she has a good heart. She's very simple. Loving and caring to us, her mom and dad. She would have the usual squabble with her younger brother once in a while, but would defend Basti to whoever will take advantage of him anytime, anywhere.

CJ when she was less than a year old.

And 13 years after.

I always pray for God to guide me and make me a good role model for my children, for them to grow up as God-fearing, loving, healthy individuals. For Cj to make the choices that will lead her to a better and happy life, to a career that will make her feel fulfilled and accomplished.  For her to always think of not only herself but of others as well.  For her to be the same Cj as she is now :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

dentist day...a couple of years back

I clearly remember this day, I was so proud of Basti for being so brave in the dentist's clinic. He had several pasta and the regular cleaning.  He keeps looking for me, giving me thumbs up to let me know that he is okay and that I should not worry.