Monday, May 25, 2009


is waking up every morning
with my love ones by my side
snuggling under the covers
sharing laughs and stories

is going to work everyday
with the stress and problems present
being a leader
being a team player

is hearing from friends
chat online, text or call
catching up over coffee
promising to do it again soon

is going home at night
my better half driving while catching up on the day's events
seeing our children, excited and full love of love
having dinner together every time

is having my mom and my dad by my side
always caring, always loving
making sure our family is okay
they're our guide, our love

is having aj, cj and basti
taking good care of them everyday
making sure that i am a good mother, a good wife

is living knowing that i am a part of their lives
and that they are a part of mine

1 comment:

Simplymarrimye said...

good post!
truly we are blessed with a family that is so close and united. i may not have fortune or material wealth... being with my family completes my life... for me, ariel, aya, kd and kiko are the most precious jewels on earth.